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  • What's wrong with me? Nausea, bloating, pain on left side of abdomen?

    Starting the night before last I started to feel a bit bloated. Then it got tender and I just thought I just had some trapped gas. But then the left side of my abdominal (below my belly button but above my hip joint) started to hurt. I expected it to go away, I even thought it may be due to ovulation even though I rarely feel anything. My lower back is now hurting, I think I'm continuing to bloat even more and it's more painful. But, I was still willing to think it would get better. Then mother pressed on it see how tender it was, immediately I felt so nauseous that I thought I would throw up. It's worse when I lay down and it's almost a rolling nausea. I'll feel better for a second and then it'll come on again really strongly. I've also started to get chills, though I suspect no fever. I can't suck my stomach in without pain and nausea I can't touch my abdomen at all anymore without it. Normally when I stuck in my stomach it looks almost completely flat, now it's sticking out a lot. Truth is I'm worried about trying to sleep only for it to get a lot worse. If it doesn't get better tomorrow I'll be seeing a doctor Friday. I just want to know if this is something I need checked out more immediately and what I should direct the doctors to. As a last note....even with all this nausea I still haven't thrown up even though I thought I might several times.

    7 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago