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Help find this manga.?
I read it in barnes and noble and can't find it online at all. It's something like Love Punch or Love Fist it's about a girl who is like the demon of her highschool because of all the fights she gets in, I think she had blue hair. She gets paired with a guy who has a white headband and I think a little brother. Any help would be great.
1 AnswerComics & Animation6 years agoWhat are you really hoping to learn when asking how old someone is?
I have a lot of friends who started school late and so graduated older than their classmates but had the same maturity, interests and conversation points as their classmates. So my question is when you ask someone how old they are in a social situation why are you interested and what are you trying to learn about them?
I feel like there's nothing socially that can be learned from their birthdate as much as the average age of their classmates because THAT is where you learn their important traits such as were they at the right age to like Pokémon or Yugioh for example, backstreet boys or Justin Beiber. Then there is judgments around "Oh you're 25 but just now graduated college? You must be dumb" or "you're this age but only had x amount of jobs?" It's not a fair scale so I feel like in a social situation they should be allowed to say they're younger because it's more accurate to the spirit of the question. Plus all physiological birth date really measures is internal biology like metabolism and hermones etc and a few extra wrinkles.
What do you think?
1 AnswerEtiquette6 years agoAngel (Buffy) where would you like to see charectors in 100 years?
I know it's been a few years but bless netflix hopefully theres even more fans now. I'm writing a fan fic of how they defeated the senior partners army and in the ending a want to do an epilogue of 100 years later. So ideally where would you see each charecter?
How did Gunn die?
Wesley with the help of Willow and Angels blood is brought back as a vampire with both his and Freds soul in him and ultimate magical power. (Willow restored Illyrias powers, Illyria went back in time and Willow removed Freds soul before it was destroyed) So how do you think Wesley and Fred as one person would use ultimate power?
How did Buffy die? Did Angel or Spike finally get her?
Answer any or all, even if you only have a little bit of an idea I might be able to brainstorm it into a big idea. I'm a huge fan of both shows so throw in any reference or charecter you want and I'll understand it. Thank you for your help and have a great day.
1 AnswerDrama8 years agoIf an alien beamed down and handed you a jar of mayonnaise and just left.?
Ok so your walking down the street and an alien beams down and without saying a word hands you a jar of mayonnaise, stairs at you for a long second and then just beams back up.
What would you do?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoAfraid of Christians and the south, are you afraid of us as well?
My biggest fear, and among the most common fear many if not all of my friends have is of Christians and because of this we would never travel anywhere near the south. I'm afraid that one will see my black finger nail polish and attack me and that if I travel anywhere on a deserted road that I might end up in a horror movie like situation because of a hard core religious person. This might seem a strange revelation to you but at my college theres a guy who stands on a box and yells at people and verbally attacks anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs or who he thinks are amoral and we're just waiting for him to hurt some one.
I know this stems from not understanding and horror movies where the religious are cannibles or murderers and those movies are scary because we think christians are capable of it because of what we think is crazy thinking.
So my question to those who believe in God is are you aware that there are people who are terrified of you
how does that make you feel and do you think that many of you are just as afraid of us?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoReligion myth question; are we judged on a temporal bell curve?
I realized one of my big problems with (I guess you'd say western religions?) is I feel like the bible doesn't allow us to be judged based on how our cultures progress and as we change as social beings through time, so I feel like we are groomed to compare ourselves to people who centuries ago where on an unattainable level of good, which makes good people feel like sinners for naturally living what has become a normal life. I've been following samurai teachings as a religion my whole life but I would like to understand and dispel all myths I have about other religions so I can make an informed unbiased opinion.
Question time; 1) Do you believe your taught by religious institutions to believe that your supposed to live up to moral standards unrealistic of our cultures as they have grown through the centuries and independent of changing social values?
2) The same question but applied to judgement after death for discernment of where your soul ends up?
I know it's only internet points but please don't use me to gain easy points with one word answers, telling me im on the wrong section or correcting spelling- that's just misusing yahoo answers. Also feel free to make fun of/troll anyone who doesn't read the actual post :) have a great life and thank you for reading.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoHelp, first court appearance don't know what to expect or what to do or say.?
STORY; On Monday night my girlfriend was late walking from work so I got on my bike and looked for her, it usualy only takes 10-15 minutes to find her so When I didn't I started biking faster and got pretty worried, I biked back really fast hoping she was home but she wasn't, which nearly gave me a nervous breakdown, so then I biked as fast as I possibly could to try again and I was more terrified than I've ever been when I got pulled over for not having lights on bike. The second he gets out of the car I panic and ask if he can call the hospital and see if she was hurt. I'm freaking out, jittery, speaking really fast and the adrenaline from biking for an hour and a half isn't helping and being asked by cops is stressful so all this adds to him asking if I'm on drugs. I tell him I'm a martial artist I don't believe in harming my body so I won't even touch aspirin. He cuffs me because Im a martial artist, tries to take my pulse rate a few times but no ones ever been able to find mine so he uses my neck and gets a count of 120, makes me do a few tests which I know I fail because of how anxious, freaked out and physically adrenalized from biking so hard. He tells me he THINKS im on drugs and I'm under arrest. This entire time I am trying and probably succeeding at being the most cooperative and polite person he's come across because that's who I am, plus I know since I shaved my head and am missing a tooth he already has bias against me, but I'm also trying to interject suggestions on what he can do to help me find her, ask another patrol to keep an eye out, check my phone for a text, whenever theres a silence I try to get him to help me. I ask him if he can please perform a blood test because I have an essay due on wed and need to clear this up fast or I might have to pay back my college scholarship, hes surprised and calls it in but EMT's are in another city. I take another pulse rate test and score almost normal, I think he realizes he made a mistake now by how he looks at me but its probably too late.I spend the night in jail, am released in the morning without a blood test done, and have a court date coming.
QUESTIONS; what can I expect will happen at the court? I'm pleading not guilty but can I tell the judge my side? I don't know how this works. Will the cop who arrested me be there? He was nice enough that I don't want to question his methods but it was obvious that I wasn't in the emotional state and had physicaly exerted myself beyond the tests he did having any validity, Can I write a letter to the judge? do I hand it to her there or send it in early? He has no proof beyond that I was physicaly anxious and I didn't get my blood test so what should I say you think? Any advice at all would be great.
Does the judge have the power to wipe this from my record? Its just that Ive done a lot of things to help make me a perfect citizen and Id rather not have anything related to drugs on my record its bad enough that I look like a skin head I don't need cops having anymore reason to judge me.
Thank you and have a great day.
Law Enforcement & Police8 years agoWhen did you make a conscious decision to be strait?
Weird question right? None of us probably did and when someone who says it's a choice to be gay Is asked when they decided to be strait many of them realize how absurd the idea might be. I'm pretty smart, I don't think I've come across anything in a long time that I didn't have some knowledge in that could help me come up with a idea but with this I can actualy feel the blankness in my mind, it's weird.
So heres the question; what do you think is the difference that helps someone prefer homosexuality? I'm hoping for a few educated answers that you may have heard from teachers but I really wouldn't mind getting an idea of the bias's people hold either. Is it biological? nurture? (most likely not because it's been tested with twins who where raised exactly the same). psychological? Influenced by experience? Something we can't possibly understand or is it something I haven't considered? Thank you and have a great day.
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoWhat gender cheats the most in your experience/town?
I live in Santa Rosa California and I've only ever heard of girls cheating on guys here (every girl I have ever met has cheated, most of them cheated on every guy I know in the same month oddly) This goes against what tv taught me that guys are supposed to be selfish and cheat more. So I'm wondering if this is an uncommon anomaly based on region and a small sample culture and if the stereotype is true everywhere else. I also wonder if it has to do with sub group because admittingly I only have experience with the smart/bookish/rock/metal/goth/anime/nerd crowd.
So in your answers if you don't mind state what city and state you live in, what music or sub group most of your friends listen to and what gender does most of the cheating. And extra if you can what percentage of people you know have cheated Thank you and have a great day.
5 AnswersGender Studies8 years agoDoes sensual caressing have similar effects for those not in love?
I've studied caressing and sensual caressing pretty thoroughly and I believe I'm very good at it, I write instructions for friends and all but I've only been with one girl and it drives her pretty wild but I wonder how much trust, love, being able to fully relax and not think about anything plays a part in that arousal as opposed to with someone who you barely know.
I'll probably never have the opportunity to answer this for myself so has anyone done this with someone they barely knew and with someone they where in love with and notice a difference?
Comparisons of other sexual instances could be informitive as well or if someone may have a better understanding of sexual biology that could explain that'd be cool too.
A female perspective would be great.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago