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death by cgi
can any1 recommend 80s music like sonia, spagna, sabrina, tiffany, stacey q, stephanie de monaco, samantha fox, rick astley, modern talking?
i'm loooking for the cheesy things on purpose
4 AnswersPerforming Arts2 weeks agoanother "similar to" question. who can tell me about bands/singers similar to any of the following listed right bellow the question?
things that resemble david bowie, .....
or johnny cash, .....
or leonard cohen, .....
or the pixies, .....
or the cure, .....
or depeche mode .....
or the prodigy? .....
4 AnswersRock and Pop9 months agowhat are good hip hop-style movies in the urban? the films of that type that i like r Fresh, Juice (starring 2pac), Bullet Boy, On the Outs?
also, i like Kidulthood, La Haine (translation from French: "Hate"), "Boyz n the Hood".
2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 months agowhat r some good anti-racist films? films of that kind that i like r American History X, Do the Right Thing, Pleasantville, The Defiant Ones?
I also like "No Way Out" (the 1950 film, starring Sidney Poitier - it has nothing to do with the 80s thriller which has the same name.)
1 AnswerMovies9 months agodoes anyone out there ever read screenplays for free online? if so, which screenplays stuck out to you?
please don't tell me just the name of the film, guessing by how the film goes thinking it's probably based on a good script. i'm talking about actual movie screenplays that can be found online.
Movies9 months agowho are your favorite writers and why?
"Writer" can mean novelist, short story writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter, essay writer, and so on
2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 months agohello, is anybody out there able to recommend me movie screenplays that are full of interesting camera directions and editing directions? ?
and/or please tell me about screenplays that have intriguing actors' directions in them.
1 AnswerMovies9 months agosame question, new, different details i found when researching the internet: Can any1 recommend me female playwrights like Lara Foot-Newton?
My new question is: Can anyone please recommend me female playwrights like Lara Foot-Newton, Katori Hall, Dea Loher, Marcelle Maurette, Rachilde,Franca Rame, Migdalia Cruz
my previous question was :
"Recommend female playwrights like Lauren Gunderson, Annie Baker, Amy Freed, Rebecca Gillman, Amy Herzog, Young Jean Lee, Lynn Nottage, Suzan Lori Parks?"
See what I mean?? gunderson,baker, freed, gillman, herzog, lee, nottage, parks are NOT mentioned in THIS , MOST CURRENT question.
i heeded answerers' advice and did a search of "wikipedia category- women playwrights by country." i checked things like "25 female playwrights you should know about" "contemporary female playwrights," etc. but i'm still searching for more female playwrights - i believe i will get at least a few names of female playwrights that i've never encountered before.
As for people bent to slam me for my question, This is NOT SPAM, its just an updated, different version of the first, same original "female playwrights" question.
i hope this qusetion was phrased clearly. Answer at will, people
I eagerly await more good answers that are as good as the ones i've been given so far.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 months agoplzRefer me2female playwrights likeLauren Gunderson,AnnieBaker,AmyFreed,RebeccaGillman,AmyHerzog,YoungJean Lee,Lynn Nottage,SuzanLori Parks?
recommend something that's similar to any one of the female playwrights listed above
2 AnswersTheater & Acting9 months agoRecommend lady playwrights likeLauren Gunderson,Annie Baker,AmyFreed,Rebecca Gillman,Amy Herzog,Young Jean Lee,Lynn Nottage,SuzanLori Parks?
please refer me to female playwrights that resemble any of the poets listed above. (give responses telling about FEMALE playwrights only)
i'm eagerly awaiting well-thought-out, relative, informative, outside-of-the-box answers from ppl who know their stuff + have a very clear sense of taste. bring on all your replies, please - answer away!!!
1 AnswerBooks & Authors10 months agocan anyone recommend me tasty kinds of cheese-my taste is cheddar,monterey pepper jack,farmer's cheese,jarlsburg,blue cheese,cheshire cheese?
i also like tiperary, havarti, parmesan, muenster cheese. please find me something that's in line with my taste, as mentioned above.
7 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 months agoplz recommend horror stories like"casting the runes"by mr james,"the horla"by guy de maupassant,"the body snatcher by robert louis stevenson?
on the flip side, please recommend horror novels like "rosemary's baby" by ira levin, "coma" by robin cook, "wolfen" by whitley streiber, "thinner" and "pet sematary" by stephen king... these horror novels are all that comes to mind for the moment
1 AnswerBooks & Authors10 months agocan anyone plz recommend me comical, humorous novels that r wickedly and/or hilariously funny? suspenseful+funny or moving+funny is ok, too?
serious answers only, please. i eagerly await informative, well-thought-out answers.
17 AnswersBooks & Authors10 months ago