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Lv 55,234 points

Lion Jester

Favourite answers6%
  • Christians? Who has it RIGHT?

    With over 1200 OFFICIAL 'Christian' denominations and sects, and many more 'non denominational' and un-official groups popping up which version of Christianity is the RIGHT one?

    Are there any of these OTHER 'Christian' groups that have it so messed up they will end up in Hell or a person should just stay away from?

    Also, with over 3200 DIFFERENT Bibles out on the market, which is the RIGHT one? These Bibles will have different Books, as well as words, verses, even whole sections of text 'added' OR 'omitted' OR otherwisely 'revised'.

    Its ALL just so CONFUSING? How do you keep it all straight?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago