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  • What to do in Athens in June?

    We're thinking about taking a trip to Athens for a week or so at the end of June with a friend. My question is a general one any information you can give me would be helpful. I've been to Athens when I was very small but I can't say I remember that very well.

    So basically we're thinking of having a very touristic visit, history, sightseeing and then boys maybe :) A friend of ours said that a week in Athens might be too much, so we're thinking of taking the train to Thessaloniki for a day. Is there anywhere near Athens we should definitely go to?

    We'll be staying at a friend so accommodation price is not that important but I would like to know how much a week in Athens would cost approximately? Some minor souvenir shopping and eating/drinking included. I've been to a couple of Greek islands this summer, and compared to Turkey MY GOD were they cheap, is this reserved to small cities or is it the case in Athens as well?

    I'll of course do my research before going there but I want take advantage of this trip as much as I can so I'm asking around. :)

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersGreece1 decade ago