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Do you think that president elect Biden will allow the FBI to put white supremacist on the US terrorist watch list now,?
Since they have been wanting to for years now?
5 AnswersPolitics5 months agoIf Biden really won because of illegal and dead people's votes then why did republicans do so well in the house and senate?
Do people really believe that an illegal voter would pick Biden for president then republican on all congress people and how does that make any sense?
1 AnswerPolitics6 months agoTrump is now saying?
that you can kill a few people because you 'probably' my be harmed because you put yourself in a position, while armed. Religious groups support the killings by raising money for a multi murderers defense.
Is this what you want from the president of the United States and is this the wild wild west America you want to live in?
4 AnswersPolitics8 months agoQuick wall question?
Since Texas is really into 'state rights' over 'big government'...
Why can't they build & pay for their own wall instead of using my tax dollars (mid-west)?
3 AnswersPolitics5 years agoWhy does Fox News keep trying to brag about the amount of viewers the debate got?
It could have been on Cspan and gotten as many viewers as long as Trump was invited...
9 AnswersMedia & Journalism6 years agoDoes it seem like, to you, that self proclaimed conservative people tend to hate more then others?
This is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue because the conservatives even attack others in their own parties.
9 AnswersPolitics6 years agoWhat is the Pope up to?
It is said he will be attending the GOP debate on Thursday.
Any thoughts on what he is honestly up to, since he is not even an citizen of the U.S.?
Google search:
1 AnswerPolitics6 years agoDoes it even matter who you vote for in your state?
My state votes Dem every time.
The last Republican my state voted for was Abraham Lincoln which doesn't count because back then Dems were Reps and vise-verse
9 AnswersPolitics6 years agoCould these ideas help make a change in America "By the people for the people"?
1. Only registered voters can contribute to a campaign fund.
*No drug kingpins, no foreign power, no big business
2. Term limits on legistrative branch
*the longer someone holds office , the more they cost tax payers and they all(Dems&Reps) preach about not wasting $
3. Outlaw lobbyist
5 AnswersCivic Participation6 years agoOther than calling themselves "conservative" How are Republicans really conservatives?
1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
**Nope not this one. They seem to be ripping the system apart from the inside and have lowered our national credit rating afew times
2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low:
a conservative estimate.
**Nope not this one. They jump from one extremely extreme to another always using the most far flung information to make a point (like cigarette companies did in the 70s)
3. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness
**Nope not this one. lol
4.(often initial capital letter) of or relating to the Conservative party.
**They named themselves it instead of going for a name that ment what they actually stand for...
Conservative party actions compared to true definition of conservative = Oxymoron?
5. (initial capital letter) of, relating to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.
**This is politics not religion so, pass
6. having the power or tendency to conserve or preserve.
**conserve, they have lowered our national credit rating a number of times in order to "save money" while even the least smart of people in America know a lower credit rating means Paying More money then we had to!
preserve, they want to take away everything not preserve it... just listen to them talk
9 AnswersPolitics6 years agoDo we need Reagan tax % of GDP, now/again?
1 AnswerGovernment8 years agoIf you repeat the same thing over & over & over again, does it make it true?
I've been voting since Reagen & have heard/seen these tactics many times but do not remember it ever working.
Are there any examples from the political arena history vault of facts that back-up the just keep repeating while actual facts do not back up what is being repeated approach has ever worked?
9 AnswersPolitics8 years agoBush seeks compromise on Iraq benchmarks - is he worried about the GoP?
Bush seeks compromise on Iraq benchmarks:
Bush's willingness to put benchmarks in a war-funding bill represented a shift by the president.
"One message I have heard from people of both parties is that benchmarks make sense and I agree," Bush said. He said his chief of staff, Joshua Bolten, would talk with congressional leaders "to find common ground" on benchmarks.
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoIs the Iraq war possably Ruining good people?
The study team also found that long and repeated deployments were increasing troop mental health problems.
But Maj. Gen. Gale Pollock, the Army's acting surgeon general, said the team's "most critical" findings were on ethics.
_Sixty-two percent of soldiers and 66 percent of Marines said that they knew someone seriously injured or killed, or that a member of their team had become a casualty.
_The 2006 adjusted rate of suicides per 100,000 soldiers was 17.3 soldiers, lower than the 19.9 rate reported in 2005.
_Only 47 percent of the soldiers and 38 percent of Marines said noncombatants should be treated with dignity and respect.
_About a third of troops said they had insulted or cursed at civilians in their presence.
_About 10 percent of soldiers and Marines reported mistreating civilians or damaging property when it was not necessary. Mistreatment includes hitting or kicking a civilian.
_Forty-four percent of Marines and 41 percent of soldiers said torture should be allowed to save the life of a soldier or Marine.
_Thirty-nine percent of Marines and 36 percent of soldiers said torture should be allowed to gather important information from insurgents.
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDo you agree: "Loyalty to Bush May Hurt GOP Lawmakers"?
I do and it seems some others may as well.
13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoIs it just TO easy to feint an extremist?
Doesn't it seem like the news, lately, has been using allot of misleading headlines for their stories and some people just go off that, instead of reading the story, and end up looking foolish?
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWas President Bush Always against the Republican party?
For the far right extremists: June 27, 2006
The White House on Tuesday defended President Bush's frequent use of special statements that claim authority to limit the effects of bills he signs, saying the statements help him uphold the Constitution and defend national security.,2933,201167,00.html
For everyone else: April 30, 2006
President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy does the Administration support terrorist supporters?
For the far right extremists:
'Report: Iraqi Officials Track Financing for Sunni Insurgents to Saudi Citizens',2933,235407,00.html
For everyone else:
'Key Iraqi officials have said that millions of dollars in financing has been sent to Iraq's insurgents by private donors in Saudi 'Arabia
8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy is it so hard to find and keep faith while it is so easy to loss it?
Could it be that the only faith some have is that of and in man instead of within them selfs?
Your thoughts?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago