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  • Food tips for a fussy 12 month old eater?

    My son is such a fussy eater. Right now he pretty much just eats, bananas, cantaloupe, Nutrios, yogurt, Rice Krispies and occasionally baby cereal with sweet potatoes blended in. He loves his Homogeneous milk, water and I still nurse him atleast 2 times a day. We have tried MANY different foods with him, but also his gag reflex is still a problem where quite often he will gag and vomit on other foods. He seems very happy and I might not need to be concerned, but if there are any other suggestions out there for things he might be interested in, I would love the input. Cheers!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What to do when babies go through separation anxiety (at 8 months old)?

    Just wondering who has experienced when all of a sudden your baby starts going through separation anxiety. At least, that is what I think is going on. Up to a couple nights ago I used to be able to put him down to bed after reading him a couple stories and he would put himself to sleep. Now, I try it and he cries to the point of puking all over the place. I am back to breastfeeding him to sleep again... which I don't want to do. I want him to be able to put himself to sleep.

    He just turned 8 months old. The only thing I can come up with as to why this is happening is that he is going through separation anxiety. I have read about it in books and magazines, but my daughter never did this, so I have yet to experience it.

    Is this what it is? Does anyone have any suggestions? I am guessing I just have to go with the flow and give him what he needs.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 7 month old won't eat solids, what can I do to get him to eat?

    I have been trying for 2 months to get him to eat solids. I have tried the baby cereals, baby carrots, sweet potato, as well as adding peaches to his cereal to sweeten it up. But every time we sit down to eat, he won't open his mouth. He turns away and just simply refuses to open his mouth. I have only breast fed and continue to breast feed him, because he loves that. I really do NOT want to stop breast feeding just to get him to eat... the breast feeding is important to me. However, I know that by this age he is needing more than just my breast milk can provide.

    What can I do to get him to eat food?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When can a baby eat tomato?

    Just wondering at what age you would introduce tomatoes into a baby's diet. My daughter is just over 9 months and has a pretty lengthy menu of veggies, fruits and meats that she eats (so far no allergic reactions... knock on wood). But I'm concerned about the acidity of tomatoes.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Blankets in a Baby's Crib?

    When is it safe to put a blanket in the crib with the baby for warmth? Right now she just wears sleepers because I am concerned with SIDS (she's 8 months old).

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do I get my 8 month old to drink from a sippy cup?

    My daughter has only ever been breast fed for drinks (besides her solids). I have been trying for the past month to get her to drink from a sippy cup and finding it hard. She loves the cup and will take it right away, but she poors it out very close to her mouth and then just laps it up with her tongue as it spills all over her. I try sitting her in my lap and guiding it to her mouth but then everyone gets drenched.

    Is there anything I can do to help her along with the process so she knows to put it in her mouth, close her mouth and go from there. Again, she has never been bottle fed, so this is all very new to her.


    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago