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Fishing Twit
Is Buenos Aires a cool place to visit?
3 AnswersBuenos Aires7 years agoWhere are there any intact parts of the Berlin Wall remaining?
3 AnswersBerlin7 years agoWho is your football club's most famous fan?
And which club do you support?
11 AnswersEnglish Football8 years agoDoes you think this section has the most random questions?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoWhich is your favourite urban park and why?
Anywhere in the world.
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoHow suburban are you?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoWhat's your secret desire?
The stranger and the more deviant the better.
What types of person or people?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWho else thinks certain Liverpool fans are an absolute disgrace?
a week after the football world has shown a lot of compassion and sympathy towards the club, some of their fans dont show it towards Mark Halsey. Maybe those fans would like to get throat cancer then?
8 AnswersEnglish Football9 years agoWhat are some bizarre sequences of football results?
3 AnswersEnglish Football10 years agoWho has had an experience of sending out an intention to the Universe?
Write out a positive description or list of what you desire, burning it etc, thinking thoughts to support your aim, and then letting it manifest.
What happened?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWho has had an experience of sending out an intention the the Universe?
Write out a positive description or list of what you desire, burning it etc, thinking thoughts to support your aim, and then letting it manifest.
What happened?
3 AnswersPhilosophy10 years agoWho has had an experience of 'Right Inspired Action'?
This is a kind of Law of Attraction thing. You set yourself a goal, and mentally focus on it a lot, and then follow the 'promotings' which come up. A case of 'when you build, then they come' as heard in Field of Dreams. I believe the promptings are called synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) and doing things this way is far more effective than struggling and straining to get things done.
The synchronicities follow the things that you are thinking about, or the goal you are imprinting in your mind, until it has actually manifested.
Thanks for your answers and examples.
1 AnswerPhilosophy10 years agoWhy didn't England win the World Cup?
I think its cos they get paid too much money, don't care about there country just about there pay packets. care more about there clubs and doin well wiv them. don't show no passion for the shirt any more. wot do you think?
11 AnswersEnglish Football1 decade agoShould there be goal-line technology and video technology at football grounds?
Why doesn't it get installed?
There have been enough incidents over the years to show that it needs to be used.
Other sports have it, why not football?
5 AnswersEnglish Football1 decade agoWhat are the epitaphs of post-war UK Prime Ministers?
What event or quotation are they remembered for?
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhat are the 'stereotypes' of London postal areas/postcodes?
ie, N1 - you read the Guardian and have a job in the public sector which offends Daily Mail readers. ha ha
2 AnswersLondon1 decade agoDoes Abu Hamza tie his own shoe laces?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPrincesses Beatrice and Eugene -hot or not?
13 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago