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Lv 2483 points


Favourite answers21%
  • i need some help with me computer?

    my mum last night was doing something to my computer like cleaning it and getting rid of all the unwanted downlaods i had on there. anyways so last night i shut it down with out waiting for the cleaning finished. so when i went to turn it on today it came up with

    OMPJF is compressed

    press ctrl+alt+del to restart


    and when i do press cnt alt del it just restarts and says the same thing.

    what do i do to get it working or back to my home screen??

    please help me!!


    3 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • What are good things to get in Bali for a girl?

    Im going to Bali soon and i want to get my two bestfriends something over there. they told me they dont want anything but i want to anyways since they have never been there before:)

    any help on what to get two 17 year olds girls over in bali?

    thnx for your help!


    2 AnswersOther - Asia Pacific9 years ago
  • white stains on my teeth?

    ever since i got my two front teeth and some of my bottom teeth, over years i have gotten calcium spots, it was mostly when i was 6-9 i got the ones on my two front teeth and the ones on my bottom came when i was in my teens. please i want to find a way to get rid of them. im more open to the ideas that wont cost money (dentist) but if i have to i will.

    thanks a bunch

    and i don't think its plaque, but if it is how would i get rid of that as well?

    4 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • whats the song that piper sings on the movie 'robots'?

    when fender is showing rodney the room he can stay in at his house they pull the lever thats for pipers room and shes got the radio on while waxing her face.

    what is the song that is playing?

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • i need help with this movie i watched when i was a kid.?

    i would have been about 6-8 when i watched it and im 17 now.

    it starts off with this little boy who i think was getting bullied and he runs into a library to hide were her reads books. hes either cartoon or human but then turns into a cartoon character.

    he has these three books following him around this island or something and one is a blue stupid book, ones a pirate and the other is a girl fairy.

    i don't remember much but at one stag the pirate gets angry and runs off and theres a mean scary man in a castle as well. at the end he wakes up in the library or something and it was a dream.

    if you don't understand that's ok but i have no idea what this movie is!!

    thank you if you know what it is:)

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • can anyone tell me what this movie is?

    i would have been about 6-8 when i watched it and im 17 now.

    it was a cartoon movie and it was a children's movie as well, but all i can remember was a little girl in a pink dress who was a princess. she lived in a castle and had a fairy godmother, the godmother said if you every get lost here is a golden ball of string. the little princess gets stolen by these ugly monster things and a little boy who 'loves' her follows the golden string back to there lair. i don't remember much but if you know what the movie is then thank you!:)

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • what is your phobias?

    mine is that if im watching a doctors show or when people touch the bottom of my feel i think that my neck will split open and the bottom of my feet as well.

    what are yours?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • what are you phobias?

    mine is that if im watching a doctors show or when people touch the bottom of my feel i think that my neck will split open and the bottom of my feet as well.

    what are yours?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • please answer this question and ill answer one of yours.!!?

    my boyfriend dumped me 4 days before our 1 and a half years. i dont realy mind but how long do i have to wait to do these things with other guys if i wanted to because i didn't want to be a asshole and just do it straight away.



    3)make out

    4)play around if you understand



    thnx to the people that answer

    8 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • what do you think of this joke?

    my girlfriend dumped me 4 days before our 1 and a half years. i dont realy mind but how long do i have to wait to do these things with other girls if i wanted to because i didn't want to be a asshole and just do it straight away.



    3)make out

    4)play around if you understand



    this is not a joke just no one is answering this question...


    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago

    my girlfriend dumped me 4 days before our 1 and a half years. i dont realy mind but how long do i have to wait to do these things with other girls if i wanted to because i didn't want to be a asshole and just do it straight away.



    3)make out

    4)play around if you understand



    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • how long after getting dumped?

    my girlfriend dumped me 4 days before our 1 and a half years. i dont realy mind but how long do i have to wait to do these things with other girls if i wanted to because i didn't want to be a asshole and just do it straight away.



    3)make out

    4)play around if you understand



    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how long do i have to wait after she dumped me?

    my girlfriend dumped me 4 days before our 1 and a half years. i dont realy mind but how long do i have to wait to do these things with other girls if i wanted to because i didnt want to be a asshole and just do it straight away.




    4)play around if you understand



    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • is brazil coffee bad for my weight?

    the coffee is 'Jarah coffee sensation ( brazil delight)' and i have it once or twice a day becuase it taste so good. i'm 17 years. is this bad for my weight? its yum but i dont want to keep on drinking it if im going to get fat or something any help?

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks10 years ago
  • my legs are extremely hair and i have the hots for this guy who is 2 year younger.?

    what should i do? after i shave they grow back dark and hairy and i hate it and the guy i like keeps calling my hairy legs betty and its making me like him more. what should i do?

    4 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • what to eat for lunch?

    im so hungry but i don't know what to eat? i want it to be nice and im sick of eating the same things,.

    i don't want like toasted cheese or 2 min noodles or something what should i have? i don't want a salad either or a sandwhich

    pllleaseee hellp!!

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • been having sexual feelings for my bestfriends mum?

    im hot as a little mommy!!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • been having sick feelings after one night with my friend?

    iv been having strange feelings in my legs/tummy after one night i had with my best friend who is also a girl. we were just playing around like just touching each others legs and then we had alcohol and things started to get more interment and we started hooking up, after a hour we went into her car and started playing around and then i knocked my head on something in the car, i told her to stop because i was getting a head ache but she keep going and i couldn't say no. she was a bit rough on what she was doing to me and i was good at the time but then i started feeling sick after i finished down on her

    i don't think it was the alcohol that's making me sick or the bump on my head but dose anyone know what it mite be?

    please help iv never done anything like this on a girl so i don't know what i should be feeling after?

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • bald head husband i need hair help?

    my husband is bald and i want him to grow some hair is there any way i can make that happen??

    2 AnswersHair10 years ago