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Lv 7130,338 points


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I am a Jewish Israeli American. I come from a large family. My father is a Rabbi and a physicist and my mother is an English teacher/housewife. Autism spectrum disorder is pervasive in my family I went to various Yeshivot in Israel and the US. I consider myself open minded and like to learn/discuss/debate many topics with people. I am working with the special needs population, mostly autistic and/or deaf/hard of hearing. Also, for those too brain dead to understand let me try to explain this….citing You Tube as a source of information just means you are a moron…same thing when you cite Talmud and yet you yourself have never studied it. If you have a new account and try to friend me, I will block you. If you have an account and I am your only contact. I will block you. Sorry but I have had too many trolls do this. Also, I TRY to be respectful but and do not automatically think disagreeing is disrepsectful

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