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Lv 1237 points


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I am a 20-year-old guitarist and engineer with a 2.5-year-long relationship with my girlfriend.

  • Where should I buy Chicken Breast?

    Every time I buy chicken breast it doesn t seem to be good. I know I m cooking it right and to the right temperature because I ve done it at my friend s house. The breast I buy usually end up tasting really bad.

    Usually I buy whatever is in the yellow things at Walmart, but they do not cook good and always have gross stuff on them.

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 year ago
  • What songs have a smooth acoustic guitar lick?

    Some of my favorite songs have smooth acoustic licks in them and I really want to hear more. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 year ago