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Lv 764,132 points


Favourite answers85%

My interests are biology, chemistry,maths and animals. Know a little about a lot. Like people who are genuine and sincere. Best book 1984 by George Orwell, sort of reflects the world we live in. Favourite animals crocs,tigers and sharks, platypus. AVOID BUYING PALM OIL THE EXCAVATION OF PALM OIL TREES IS DETROYING THE NATURAL HABITAT OF THE ORANGUTANG .... ...♥...♥.... ..♥.....♥... . ♥.....♥.. .. ♥...♥... ... ♥.♥... ....♥♥.... ..♥....♥.. .♥......♥. Put this in your profile if you know someone that has cancer, has survived cancer, or has died from cancer. There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. R. Buckminster Fuller Rest in peace Meg 2012

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