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Lv 774,978 points


Favourite answers73%

Made In America - History is being made now! Buy American, Make American, Use American - worry about the world after we take care of our own country first. Family, Community, State, Country, World - in that order. Gardening - Clemson Extension Master Gardener in South Carolina. YA is a great way to enhance my knowledge. Much is learned about my interests, etc., doing research to answer here. Made In America (USA): Facebook:!/MadeInAmericaSC Twitter: #MadeInUSA Video Archive: USA Products: Did you go to 2006 Yamsters Party & School Greening You may remember me as Rustskipper Thumbs Up to Good Advice! Buy Made In America (USA) Products (I believe in Fair Trade - Just keep increasing your USA Purchases).

  • Does your Computer suddenly start playing audio of the Lords Prayer, like the trailer of a movie?

    My computer starts playing audio at random during the day. It is always the same, it starts with a crazed male persons voice reciting the Lords Prayer, which turns into a conversation with someone about not wanting the cops involved... Like a movie plot or a daytime drama. Ten points goes to the first person that can help me eradicate this voice in my electronic brain. Thanks.

    5 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • What are you doing to support the Occupy Wall Street protests? Will you help to organize the issues?

    Are you collecting the issues? Defining the issues? Writing a book on the topic? Do you have a web site supporting OWS? Do you see a conceptual plan for the next 5 years on how to make the issues become positive peaceful change in America? If so, then tell me what please, I am doing my own thing... with respect to OWS. Check my web site at

    Do you believe that the issues will form a Political Platform in the next 6 months? If so, do you see leaders then emerging that could get elected in local, state, and federal representation positions? Tell me what you see, what vision do you have for Occupy Wall Street? Thanks, and please keep it positive, and peaceful.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events10 years ago
  • How can you get rid of Mold in Whirlpool Duet upright washer?

    This is a fairly new machine. It is an upright front load washing machine by Whirlpool.

    If you have an upright and have experienced a mold problem, please tell me about it. Is there information on what causes the mold? how to clean, what to do, etc.? It does not seem like a very good design and I wonder if it is just a business, with no care for the consumer. When laundry is washed every day, spun out, and it still has so much mold that it stinks to walk near, something is wrong with the machines design, do you agree?

    There are no filters to clean, no compartments that can be opened and cleaned, and we have run bleach and hot water through this machine many times.

    Please help.

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What plants have you grown and used to eliminate human parasites?

    Specifically, name the plant, how to use it, what parasite(s) may be eliminated using these plants. How long did you need to use this plant? What problems did the parasite(s) cause. Get as gross as you need to describe the parasitic affect eliminated.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Troll Identification and Control, what is being done.?

    There seem to be many actions that Trolls take. The action that is distasteful to me is when they target every answer from someone, voting from multiple accounts as NO BEST ANSWER, or for another answer (which may or may not be of the same quality answer).

    How do we know how, when, and where to report a Troll? How do we know that something has been done? Quite frankly, it is difficult to answer more questions if there is no chance of ever getting Best Answer any more (unless the ASKER chooses it, and that only happens 1 in every 5 questions at best).

    Is there a way to encourage / promote Askers to pick the Best Answer more often? How do you assure quality answers? I seems that should be the Asker's opinion, or an evaluation of the answer against the Question - and Voters do not do that very well. In fact if voters vote at all it surprises me.

    I hope Yahoo keeps trying.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do Windows Updates REQUIRE IE Browser, or can Firefox be used?

    NOTE: Internet Explorer is BROKEN on my Windows XP machine. It will not REINSTALL because the reinstall is an older version and the install process stops. So, I use Mozilla Firefox for internet browsing - it works, it's great, la la la. But how do I get Bill Gates wonderful improvements to the OS? Is there a way to manually download UPDATES using MOZILLA? PLEASE, lay out the process if you can.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • HP Printers - Error after Power Loss, how do I restart the print queue?

    I have a wireless, and bluetooth HP 3310 All in one printer. When the print software is loaded, it takes 15 minutes, then it tries to do it again from the internet. After it is set up, if I loose power on the computer(s) on my network, the printer will not print again. The error I get says that the Print Services/Que needs to be restarted. How do I do this? HP Has no mechanism to ask them, their books do not explain it, and they do not answer emails about this. Please help. Thanks!

    7 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Can one person help to change the world in a good way?

    We work, pay bills, get in a rut. What can we do to help the truly needy of the world? Who do you see as the truly needy?

    10 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • When will Yahoo Answers update their POINT sheet. Be the first to see - they say - that is long gone!?

    "Be the first to find out! 25000+"

    This is what it says for level 7 points. But, if you look at the leader board some are making 17000 per week points. 1 Jane Furrows - Chavez fan Level7 - 118,015 Points Total , and there are a bunch more. Not that this is wrong, just that Yahoo should enhance their Goals.

    So, Yahoo, when will you update that? Maybe tell us what the leaders got?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago