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What do you think about Yahoo answers shutting down?
Not much time to answer. First they shut down comments and now answers. The simple fact is the government does not want a mixture of views, they want to push us to be like robots and all think and feel the same. Those that disagree with the current belief of being straight and white as normal have raised their voices !!!!!!!
3 AnswersYahoo Answers3 weeks agoIs your dog really your best friend?
I would much rather be around animals as I would people. A dog asks for nothing but love and gives it in return. People, including wives want to change you to suit their needs and will turn on you in a heartbeat no matter what you do for them. Other people will stab you in the back to advance themselves.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 month agoDo you think there is voter fraud ?
Or do you really believe that democrats win elections because they promise to give to the takers instead of the givers? Dead peoples votes, illegals votes, welfare votes, all for whom?
11 AnswersPolitics1 month agoDo you think someone should be able to sue a business for bias?
I believe a business owner should have the right to not serve a gay or lesbian person if they do not want to as long as it is not a service that is needed to sustain life. These bakeries that people want to sue because they will not make a gay or transgender cake etc. should be allowed to deny that. It does not matter what the reason is, it's their business. GO SOMEWHERE THAT WANTS YOUR MONEY, don't sue .
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 month agoDo you think a jury can be impartial in the George Floyd trial given the fact that 27 million was given away?
Besides with the way juries are picked, each side wants to have people that lean their way, and finding someone innocent of the charges would incite another ( PEACEFUL PROTEST) where things get burned and destroyed.
5 AnswersPolitics1 month agoBiden and the pipeline?
He is already being called out by 21 states for trying to put people out of work and increasing the welfare rolls. Do you agree with him?
10 AnswersPolitics1 month agoIs a white person born in South Africa who moves to the U.S. an African American?
Or is it just someone of color who may not even know where Africa is ??
7 AnswersSouth Africa2 months agoDr. Seuss books deemed racial ?
Give me a break, this will never end . Should we delete all of America's past because someone's feelings may be hurt ???
9 AnswersBooks & Authors2 months agoDo you agree with the laws of supply and demand?
I think that businesses use the laws of supply and demand just to raise the prices. When people use less fuel they cut production so they can raise the price. If you were born before 1970 you will remember the false oil shortage they created to raise the price and had people waiting in line for gas even overnight as the pumps were only open during daytime hours.Now they use these shortages of everything to raise the prices leaving those without much money without.
2 AnswersPolitics2 months agoRequirements of getting a drug test for employment is ok but to get food stamps it's unconstitutional, WHY?
Just another example of how the laws and judges of our country mean nothing.
8 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 months agoAfter all the things the government regulates , why is there still Rap music.?
They go so far as to remove the three stooges from regular tv viewing because it is to violent for children, but allow this rap so called music to put down women, police, and sensationalize killing. I just do not understand why !!!!
1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop2 months agoDo you agree that juveniles should not get a life sentence for murder?
I don't care what the supposed experts say. Someone old enough to make the decision about killing someone else should be able to do the time. Their victim got a death sentence and they should as well.
5 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 months agoDoes being gay mean you have an imbalance?
I've often wondered why science has not tried to find a cure as they have with other illnesses.Surely there must be something lacking or abnormal that could be corrected.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 months agoShould the rich pay taxes and the poor draw the money?
I posted a question about the rich paying more taxes and others not paying any. Only answers were about the rich taking loopholes to avoid paying and nothing about those who pay nothing at all but get back tax refunds. I am not rich but do not agree with those who get refunds because they have umpteen kids that they cannot afford to raise. TOTALLY UNFAIR.
3 AnswersPolitics2 months agoWhy is overtaxing the rich called paying their fair share?
Everyone uses government services in one way or another and those who pay nothing get the same use of services that the rich do as far as roads, bridges, sewers,water,and so on and so on. So why do they say that the rich who pay so much more in taxes do not pay their fair share. Seems to me it is the other way around. I am far from rich but do not agree that just because you have more money than someone else you should be forced to give it to the government.
14 AnswersPolitics2 months agoDo you think that forgiving student debt is a good idea?
Sure, if you are a recipient of the deal you would be for it. But how about all those who worked their way through college and payed for it without any loans. This is a smoke screen by the democrats to increase their future votes and nothing else. Who pays for it---- the taxpayers.
10 AnswersPolitics2 months agoJust because you are well off, should you raise someone you don't know?
Having a child and knowing you cannot afford to feed them, sitting on your porch and watching the working people go by who are the ones paying for you to live. The government has no money. It is the taxpayers money.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 months agoTrue or false? ?
Would the U.S. be a better place if money were not the only thing that matters to most people. I do not need more and more. Can't you be happy with what you have?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 months agoDo you feel that saving the planet is important?
Do you enjoy watching nature in the country and it's many wonders, or is your idea of getting close to nature sitting at Mc Donalds watching the birds eat french fries?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 months ago