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How much cbd for anxiety?
I took k a thc gummy a few days ago and hated the high but loved the anxiety relief.
I dont want to go through that again does anyone have any suggestions as to how much cbd might be good for a beginner?
I know you cant get high on cbd but i dont wanna become loopy or forgetful either.
4 AnswersMental Health3 weeks agoPlease help! THC high wont go away!!?
So i took thc edibles two days ago for the first time. A hybrid of sativa and indica. I took 10mg .
It was a bad experience.i became very paranoid and experienced one of the most intense experienced ever. I had an out of body experience and felt my conciousness die. My entired body went numb. And i was complely uninhibited thr whole day.
After the high ended i still felt a bit funny...Now a couple days later i still feel loopy and forgetful. I still have social inhibition and have a lowered sense of taste and smell.
Can someone please tell me, does this go away? I just want to have my smell and taste back like it was before. I wanna remember things like i used to. This trip has been scary for me and i just want it to be over already. I wanna go back home!
I am clicking my ruby red slippers to get back home but nothing happening! Im stuck in OZ!!!
1 AnswerAlternative Medicine3 weeks agoCan nutritional hemp oil cause a high?
I took hemp oil that has 0%cbd oil and 0% thc . I got it for inflammation and nutritional benefits only but i feel a bit loopy and a bit uninhibited. Like i had a couple of drinks.
It feels good but i need to be able to focus a little more. Im kinda nervous to drive like this. Im also a bit forgetful.
1 AnswerAlternative Medicine3 weeks agoDental receptionist on drugs? ?
I cant even schedule an appointment . Ive shown up twice and she "forgot" to schedule me. What? Last visit i saw the dumb hag wondering around the clinic like shes in a drugged up haze. Smiling and giggling by herself. Suddenly, She wondered into my room while the dentist is preparing her tools.
When the dentist left the room, the receptionist suddenly smiles and decides to take off her mask . She put her nasty hands on my face! Then she tells me to smile! I tried pulling away but she took a firm grip of my chin. I then told her stop!!! And she took her hands off.
The doctor came in and asked if everything was okay because in yelled. I just nodded my head and the receptionist walked out still smiling and giggling.My blood pressure was so high before my procedure i was shaking. I felt angry and violated. After the procedure i filed a complaint against her but i doubt anything will be done.I honestly dunno what to do. I like my dentist but i think the front desk lady is a hard tweaker. Go to another dentist? Can i tell the police and get her drug tested and thrown out?
4 AnswersDental3 weeks agoI am being followed by a supervisor at work, any advice ?
I have a supervisor constantly following me at work. I tried being friendly towards him, but he seemed snobby so I just let him be. he constantly takes a "break" whenever I take my lunch , even on days when I take my lunch late...To make matters worse, I dont have a car right now and wait for a taxi after work. While Im waiting, he waits in his car and until I leave. It feels odd and makes me feel paranoid.
A few times I ended up waiting later for a ride, and he reported me to a supervisor. Today he was pointing at me while talking to someone. Then he turned his head and stared at me. I stared back with a blank look on my face just to see how long he would hold the gaze.
he held gaze for like 5 minutes. As if he was trying to send me a threatening gesture. Its so weird and I don't get it. Is this harassment ?
Please dont tell me to report to HR, he knows everyone in HR and is dating one of them
4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months agoAm i making excuses not to exercise? ?
I wanna exercise more but i hate exercising at home. My apartment is small and i want to go outside on a trail. The only problem is i live in a city where there are no trails. Only dirt lots and streets. I see alot of people jogging and cycling on the sidewalk or street but that seems unsafe because there are lots of drunk drivers, red light runners and hit and runners in my area.
Im not sure what to do, i just dont want to be around other people when i exercise because in gyms they hog equipment and you always got the try hard males who hit on girls or behave aggressively towards girls. There are no all women gyms where i live
2 AnswersRunning3 months agoGetting picked on for being young and for dressing up? ?
Unfortunately, I can't afford to live in an amazing, progressive place like new york city or los angeles. Instead, I live in dusty phoenix. A city located in the southwest corner of the united states where there is not much progress in fashion, style or anything at all for that matter. It's a very simple city, with simple minded people who dress very simply.
This is distressing for someone like me who is young, and who still has life left in them. It also makes me a solid target for bullying. I've experienced most of the hostility from old men, but old women can be quite hostile towards me too. Most of the population in phoenix is over age 60. the best solution I've found is to dress down like the local population and blend in like a zebra.
but where's the fun in that!? D:
I know it is not only me who is struggling. I've also seen young girls who are pretty and thin getting picked on randomly by an old fat unhappy women, or harassed by fat old men.
what am I supposed to do? The little bit of joy I found out of life in this dusty little desert city is gone with the wind like the many tumble weeds which roll across this desert wasteland . It distresses me so much because I want wear to these beautiful clothes I collect, but I am too afraid!
Help me !
Other - Society & Culture4 months agoHave you ever done something you regret while drunk?
I had a very poor understanding of drinking alcohol responsibly in my early 20's ... After moving to a new city and not knowing anyone I became depressed and began to drink more often.. there were a few times when I went overboard and became completely wasted...
There is a certain memory that pops into my head every so often... I remember being drunk on the dance floor and a guy frequently shoving me and pushing me. I got pissed and smacked him on the back a few times (not very hard but hard enough to scare him) and then threw my drink at him and yelled. That was completely uncalled for and I deserved to be punched in the face, but the guy was actually nice to me (which completely caught me off guard) He actually said he was sorry and for some reason, the sincere look of concern on his face struck me to the core... I felt so guilty and ashamed of myself I went to the bathroom and started to cry in the bathroom stall.I made my way home, passed out and woke up the next morning remembering him . I couldn't believe how I behaved, and i completely regretted it. After that, I never drank again... I've been completely sober for almost 10 years now but I still remember the look on that guy's face and how bad i felt... i tend to dwell on it a little every now and then...
Do you have any regrets? what do you tell yourself to move forward?
what should I tell myself to help me move on and not feel so bad?
9 AnswersEtiquette4 months agoAre supervisors supposed to have lots of free time?
Hey, I got promoted to a supervisor position recently and I've realized that I don't do much. I just walk around the call floor alot (i work in a call center) and make sure people are staying focused.
Then I might train some new hires or take some calls. It feels unethical and I feel like I don't deserve it because I got promoted because I'm dating one of the senior lead supervisors and he wanted to get me promoted since I'm having sex with him and we have a good relationship.
Is this how life is? I couldn't find any other way to be successful and this seems to be the only thing that works. I've noticed at all of my other jobs people do what I'm doing right now to get promoted and to stay in the business. Is this really how it's supposed to be?
Working hard doesn't get you anywhere and the only people promoted are the ones who have sex with, date or who know the management very well.
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 months agoAm I Treated Poorly For Being Gay?
I grew up in Arizona where it's kind of a republican dominated culture. I have never lived anywhere else. So maybe I've developed a thick skin, but it seems that whenever I go somewhere ... like to a restaurant for example, I get an aggressive host who seems to be relentlessly angry and unhappy. I have the tendency to be forgetful and don't pay much attention to it because I'm so used to it but it STILL bothers me if I think about it (like I'm doing now)
I've worked several jobs where my supervisors frequently picked on me. Then I finally found a job where I basically dont' work with anybody and the manager is gay . but i look back and wonder, why is this the only job where i felt like i was treated normal? did they bully me at other jobs because i was gay?
I don't know exactly how to handle it, I just ignore it and move on because not everyone is like that. But sometimes I feel like I need some kind of a support or encouragement . Or sometimes I just wish there was something I could do so straight people could just treat me with some respect.
Recently I started experimenting with wearing a hat and urban clothing and strangely enough, i began getting treated significantly better. I thought I would get treated worse, but I feel like straight people have been nicer to me lately with my new style boyish style
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender6 months agoPREGNANT FROM A HOOKUP AND CAN'T FIND THE GUY! WHAT SHOULD I DO?
I had a hookup with a guy. Later that week I felt sick and was throwing up. I took a pregnancy test and I'm as pregnant! The only problem is I met the guy on a dating app and my old messages were deleted! I can't find him!!! What do I do!?!! Abortion?
13 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months agoMy sister has threatened to kill me for her student loan debt?
I cosigned a student loan for my sister to go to college. After finishing college she managed to land a high paying job at a major league news station . She made great money for 10 years but paid NOTHING to her student loans. She partied, bought expensive things, and bragged about her amazing vacations.
can you imagine that?
After 10 years of living the celebrity life, the station fired her. Now she's a poor pitiful b*** like the rest of us and can't afford anything. Since then, she finally opened a student loan letter for the first time and BOOM ! She immediately knew what to do!
She threw a brick through my car window and left a note demanding for me to make a payment...
During the years she was partying with her newscaster buddies I worked a humble job at a local magazine and drove uber on my days off.I saved my money and invested in a 401k. My 401k and savings are enough to pay for her loans, but I don't see why I should pay for her loans.
My sister has sent me several text messages, demanding money and blaming me for everything. she says I ruined her life and that she wants "revenge" . I have no idea why she blames me for her student loan debt when all i've done is try to help her
my sister is homeless now and I feel like no matter what I say to her it will always be my fault according to her.
what should i do?
3 AnswersFamily6 months agoAre guys more open to dating post op transwomen?
If a transwoman gets breast implants and a vagina, would guys be more likely to date her?
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender6 months agoWhy do people treat me better when I wear a hat?
I'm a guy who didn't wear hats often but lately I've been experimenting with my style. Instead of styling my hair I decided to wear a hat. Now people seem to respect me more all of a sudden. It's so weird and awkward for me because people used to behave very negatively towards me before I wore a hat. Now that I wear a hat , people seem to be almost afraid of me.
Does the hat create a sense of percieved masculinity and authority? could people think I'm older because I wear a hat? I dunno wtf it could be. any thoughts?
people are weird , and I'm not trying to figure them out. I just want to know what your thoughts are. I don't really care about people much anymore now that im 35 , but just curious about your thoughts on what perceptions of hats could cause a change in how someone gets treated
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 months agoIs my job too much for me?
I enjoy my job , Although it has it's ups and downs I like the atmosphere and the people I work with. Unfortunately, the workload is extreme... I'm doing double the work I should be doing because people keep quitting. Lately, I've been coming home experiencing moderate headaches and ear pain. It has been driving me into some kind of a mild psychosis where I feel extremely irritated . I've also been very forgetful.. I keep burning things I cook and leaving projects unfinished around the house. I have very little motivation or time to do house chores or self care.
I don't know what to do. I am scared for my mental health but I don't want to quit my job . Today I became so angry and irritated I started punching my wall and crying. I feel like I can't handle it anymore. I don't know what to do.
4 AnswersFamily7 months agoCan Nicotine Gum Cause Sore Throat?
There are many methods to nicotine consumption. My method of choice was gum. However, after a few months in of using gum I noticed my throat became slightly sore, dry and scratchy. After discontinuing the gum, It stopped in a week. Could it have been the gum? is this a common side effect for most people? Do smokers experience similar symptoms as well?
your answers will help contribute to the awareness of nicotine, and help people from all around the world. be proud of your contributions and thank you.
1 AnswerOther - Health7 months agoIs it normal to be fatigued and sore on my days off from work?
On my days off from work I feel fatigued and sore. Sometimes I get headaches and get NOTHING done for myself. Usually the first day is the worst, then on the second day I feel almost fully recovered. When it's time to return to work I am just barely feeling my best. Then I repeat the process of slowly deteriorating my way towards exhaustion until the week is over and I get two days off again. The same cycle repeats itself every week...
Sometimes I'll get lucky and magically have more energy on my days off , Only then can I get more done...usually I'm always fatigued and feel sick on my days off. I've asked many people and most say it's normal but there has to be a way to improve and be more productive. I need help. I can't live the rest of my life like this. I need to get more done for myself
Other - General Health Care7 months agoHow can I get a driver's license if my parents wont teach me to drive?
my parents wont teach me to drive and the driving schools near me cost 500 dollars and have horrifying , terrible reviews. I can't find anywhere else to learn to drive. I have no idea what to do and it is very frustrating because I cannot buy or insure a car without a license. how can I learn to drive?
10 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 months agoIs it supposed to be hard to find an affordable used car?
I'm trying to find my first car and it's so hard. I have responded to so many ads over the past few years and can't seem to find anything reliable and affordable. used cars seem to be very expensive, almost the same I'd pay on a dealer's lot.
does anyone know any good websites or have any ideas on how I can get my first car? Any tips? This is really difficult and there are lots of scams out there. I spent a long time saving up 4 grand and I really need to have a safe reliable care to drive in. I'm sick and tired of taking taxi everyday .
16 AnswersBuying & Selling7 months agoWhy are so many women dressing like whores?
I went to the mall and saw so much skin it was uncomfortable and not child friendly. I felt like I was walking my kids through a porn shop and there was nothing I could do to shield them from seeing **** and *** at every corner.
I know there are many misled women think that dressing like a slut is "empowering" because they think men "notice" them more, but really, you're just a distraction and most men look because they are wondering why you're dressed like that.
Since when did dressing like a whore become "empowering"? I thought getting an education, being promoted at work, obtaining a more lucrative income, buying a home, getting a new car, and forming a better relationship with your family was empowering.
Women complain about being "objectified" but they are displaying themselves as sexual objects with what they wear. It makes no sense at all that a woman would believe she can be taken seriously while walking around town in her underwear. I know women would like to believe they are all beautiful, but many of you are average looking and dressing like a slut is just your way of convincing yourself your "empowered" because you lack confidence.
Women can't be equal to men if they keep obeying these fashion standards that turn them into objects. you're all restricting yourselves to being men's dogs instead of their equals. men don't respect most of you because you are bound to the social role that degrades you and keeps you a sexual object for men's viewing pleasure.
7 AnswersGender Studies8 months ago